Description of NKE High Frequency GPS
A new driving mode that improves handling: the real wind mode melts. A very responsive bottom speed
- GPS type: 65 Channels
- Output: Bus TOPLINE and NKEA 183
- Power supply: 12v DC for TOPLINE Bus and 6-33v for other use
- Consumption: 50 mA at 12v DC
- Dimensions: 720mm x 50mm
- Fixing: Flat have or Thread 1 1/4', compatible universal balcony
- Cable length for bus: 10 meters without connector
- Weight 270g without cable
- Sealing: IP 67
After equipping the 60' with professional high-frequency GPS, we were able to analyze the recordings made by Michel Desjoyeaux skipper of FONCIA. We found significant differences between bottom speed and surface speed in a currentless area. This difference in speed is due to the speed of the water layer on the wave. A wave is a transverse wave that carries energy without moving matter. But in some cases, the water layer moves in an elliptical circular motion and thus induces an apparent wind independent of surface velocity. Surface velocity is the speed of movement of the hull relative to this layer of water.
Under pilot: a real wind calculated with the speed melts
When flying in real surface wind mode, the variation in the apparent wind due to this movement is not taken into account in the calculation. The actual wind angle changes according to the speed of this layer of water and the pilot compensates. The speeds observed are of the order of 2 to 3 nds. For example, at 10 nd of apparent wind and at 126° of the real wind, this represents a variation of 10° on the angle of the real wind. By calculating the wind from the bottom speed we integrate the "speed of this layer of water" and therefore, the angle of the real wind no longer varies according to it. The use of a High Frequency GPS makes it possible to obtain:
- A new driving mode that improves handling: THE WIND REEL BACKGROUND mode
- A very responsive bottom speed.
This sensor provides the bottom speed at the frequency of 10 Hz (10 times per second). It connects directly to the BUS nke. The sensor's NMEA output allows it to be interfaced to a PC to use GPS data.
The choice of the speed1 source (bottom or surface) for the calculation of the actual wind is made from the Gyropilot Graphic.
By activating the pilot's real wind mode, you can fly in real wind mode, bottom or surface according to this choice.
Another advantage of this High Frequency GPS sensor is that it is an excellent way to continue using the real wind in the event of a problem with the surface speed sensor.
This sensor is recommended for boats equipped with a Gyropilot nke.
It was tested on the Mini circuit by Aymeric Chapelier on the Pornichet Select 6.50, validated by Nicolas Boidevezi (1st in proto) on the Demi-Clé 6.50 and on the Mini Fastnet, by Guillaume Le Brec, 1st in proto on the MAP Trophy, 3rd in the Mini Fastnet, by Davy Beaudart, 1st in series at the Trohée MAP and 3rd in the Mini Fastnet, by Antoine Riou, 1st in proto on the Fastnet of Plymouth with interesting wave conditions...
Requires to have the real wind option (pilot) and the bottom speed option (loch sonar interface).